Saturday, June 12

#17 The Domino Effect

I have the sudden urge to play with dominoes... To line them up and form shapes, spirals, going up the stairs or down the stairs. Tons and tons of dominoes, lining up waiting to be toppled over. How fun does that sound? I used to line lego and lasy pieces side by side with my sister. That was our game of dominoes toppling over. We didn't had much pieces, so all we could do was a short line. Lemme tell you, it ain't fun if it only lasts a few seconds watching them topple over.
Lego and lasy pieces....

Why do I have the sudden urge to play with dominoes? Because I'm currently watching / following the Korean drama, Coffee House, originally titled Page One. Which stars Kang Ji Hwan, Park Si Yeon and T-ara's Ham Eunjung! In the drama, Kang Ji Hwan's an author. When he gets writer's block, he plays with dominoes, line them up at his workplace/home. Screen caps time!
1st time round......... Super duper long line of dominoes! Wheeee~ 

<-- Accidentally knocked over by the unknowing secretary. 

 The Spiral --->

<--The dominoes up the stack of domino stairs :D

Before being able to complete -->

Second time round.... Shorter line of dominoes...

Poor him, was about to put the last piece and someone--his secretary told by his publisher--knock it over. Kesiannya~

I just love watching dominoes fall :D

Lots of 'em! 

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha.. the drama niceee? trying to dl lots and lots of drama~~~ huhu~~~
