Monday, July 26

#29 Likes and Dislikes of Travelling

International flights - cause of the comfier seats in which I won't break my neck, in-flight music, movies and tv shows.
(Travelling) to new places
The culture
The food *yummy*
The people
Staying in hotels. Hah.
Travelling means no studies, no work
The fun of it :)

x The rule of not being able to take water on board for international flights. (Bad experience: Hello? Would it kill for me to finish my water after passing the X-ray scan for the baggage? Why do I have to step back out??? Seriously. GEEZ.)
x Lugging around heavy luggage. Travel light is a total must
x Takes a lot of money to travel around. Transport... food... visiting museums? theme parks? =S 
x Long queue at immigration

I love travelling. I should marry a millionaire or a billionaire or just someone rich enough so that I don't have to work and can go travelling, all expenses paid. XD

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