Friday, August 27

#35 World

Just another one of my random rants. Deal with it.

What's happening to this world?
Sibu (seems off the map here), Pakistan, China. All flooding. 
Effects of global warming? 

I read a book again few days ago. VENUS by BEN BOVA. A sci-fi book. Which got me to thinking how Venus as in the 2nd planet nearest to the sun, Earth's sister planet, got to turn out the way it is. A world where the air is filled with toxic carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, ground temperatures of up to approx. 460 degree Celcius. Can you say hot or HOT? More like freaking burning HOT. Mercury, the nearest planet to the Sun is hot [max temp, approx 420 degree Celcius] but it has cold areas too [min temp, approx -170 degree Celcius]. And this is cause of the atmospheric gases on Venus.

Will Earth turn out that way too with the greenhouse effect/global warming? However, there's not a single drop of water on Venus.
SCIENCE TIME! -- One of the effects of global warming is the melting of icebergs at the poles of the Earth which leads to higher levels of water in the oceans/seas/rivers which in turn leads to more frequent floods in low lying coastal areas. [Sibu is not even a coastal area!] Hmm... but Venus has the runaway greenhouse effect, where all the waters on Venus [if there ever was] was boiled away. Let's see, for Earth to turn into Venus, that'll definitely take a super duper long time. The icebergs gotta melt first, before they can all be boiled away. By the time all the icebergs at the poles melt, Earth would be drowned by the oceans, before it turns into disaster Venus.
RELIGION TIME! -- Bear with me here. In the Bible, God punished the wicked by flooding the Earth, covering Earth in water. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights and took months for the water to recede to wherever/evaporate. God then send a rainbow as a promise to never cover the Earth in water again. So... the 'end of the world' would be FIRE not water. Which is scarier? Water or Fire? The wicked shall die by fire and the righteous should live.

I think we'll be dead before the 'end of the world' arrives. Hopefully. Get rid of the thought of the world ending in 2012, the Mayans got lazy to continue their calendar/the person who was doing the calendar died before he could finish it, heck they didn't even last till modern times. So yeah, I'll just leave it at that. :)

Time to sleep. Ta-ta

P/S Pity the future generations :(

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